Friday 19 February 2010

lying with integrity

I once heard that if you cant lie then you cant conceal your true intentions from people.

passing a compliment to a woman who is in a posistion to help you im talking from experience here.......

Hey you look amazing today,she smiles and says thank you. You reply now can i have some more ice cream with my chocolate fudge cake? she smiles. The woman serving you does not look amazing she actually looks like a zebras arse hole but i wanted more ice cream and if i told her she looks like a zebras a hole then she will proberly spit in my ice cream and cover me in chocolate fudge cake. so i lied got the ice cream gave her a wink on the way out and enjoyed many more extra spoonfulls of vanilla ice cream.

now i wont tell you where this place is just incase you feel the need to go in to this place and tell the bar maid who looks like larry instead of sally about me being bad what? i aint stupid... I thank you.

Its a good thing i never blinked when i told her she looks amazing otherwise she would of clocked on. for more on liars blinking when lying visit the blog below.

post on stefans blog about smoking

I posted this on stefans blog on friday,february 19


Daniel Jones said...

I totally agree with what you are saying here mr ward some of theadvertisments for smoking that i have seen around recently including the one mentioned in your blog are enough to stop any smoker as well as a non smoker from even picking up a ciggarette and inhaling the tobacco in to there lungs.

I saw the add shown in your blog of the guy with what looks like throat cancer. a huge ulcer even. another head, or a zombie growing hanging from his neck eeeeeh nasty stuff a few months ago last year. I was eating a pizza my favourite bbq chicken i had purchased. as i began to bite into my pizza there was a billboard showing the exact add shown in your blog you know the zombie guy anyway, upon seeing this i could not continue to devour my pbbq chicken pizza as i would of liked to. the add put me right off my pizza. i was not a happy bunny at all. i just paid 2.99 for it and the shop i brought it from dont except refunds.

I think advertisments like these are cruel, disgusting and humiliating to those involved and to those this may of happened to.

why would the victim agree to have there faces shown in these adds for? are they some kind of sick fame seekers/ do they stand in the mirror looking at there zombies singing when will i be famous by bros?

These advertising people should be ashamed of themselves for putting law abiding citizens like myself through such horrorfying images when i just popped out to buy some milk i thank you.

here is a link to stefans blog

Tuesday 16 February 2010

is it prostitution?

is it prostitution to take money from somebody who is expecting sex but then you do not supply? if i went out on a date with a woman and i paid for everything, i picked her up from her house or work, i paid for the nandos, i paid for the drinks then no i would not expect sex but usaully when i do this i get sex anyway. The fact that ive paid for everything don't mean that im looking for sex it just means that im a nice guy. I believe there are some woman out there who will deliberatly go on a date with a guy expecting him to buy everything down to the glass slipper then when you drop her off, walk her to the train station bus stop whatever you dont even get a kiss on the cheek or even a thank you most guys would walk away thinking what a cow she took me for a ride! ps i would just like to say this has never happened to me because my names not donkey and this aint shrek 2....i thank you. for more on this and the prevention of it please visit this link

Monday 15 February 2010

when is it stalking?

When is it stalking?

We have all heard of social networking sites, such as facebook, myspace, bebo right?. you add your
Mates online. People take pictures they put them online so everybody can view them people leave comments oh look you have a silly hat gosh your crazy!!! Something along those lines
Anyway the good thing about these virtual forums is they allow you to keep up to date with your mates at anytime of the day. They can also be a very good way to keep up with mates who you rarely see, I personally prefer to meet up with friends I have not spoken to in a while and catch up over a coffee. What these sites allow us to do is view the profiles of our friends who are near and far. We may have friends who we can’t call and meet up in costa at any given time. Because they live too far away but with facebook We can view their pictures, view their thoughts send and receive comments. I regulary respond to comments made by my friends on facebook and they respond to comments made by me on their profiles. And yes I view their profiles. Not religiously but just to see what they are up 2 those crazy people…. But lets say just for arguments sake you sit down at your computer and stare at your best mates girlfriend like she was yours. You print pictures off line of her and place them in a shrine with candles, place traces of her hair which you stole from her hair brush in a little container hoping too gather enough hair so you can make a voodoo doll which you can stick pins in it and control her with. Now im sure we can all agree that this is a act of stalking..right? I mean if some bodie we know is behaving like that we would refer them to a counselor. Or even the police. Friendly checking of a girlfriends face book who is your mates girlfriend and occasionally dropping the hi hello how are you? Are you out tonight is harmless, WHY? Because your just friends. I thank you.