Friday 19 February 2010

post on stefans blog about smoking

I posted this on stefans blog on friday,february 19


Daniel Jones said...

I totally agree with what you are saying here mr ward some of theadvertisments for smoking that i have seen around recently including the one mentioned in your blog are enough to stop any smoker as well as a non smoker from even picking up a ciggarette and inhaling the tobacco in to there lungs.

I saw the add shown in your blog of the guy with what looks like throat cancer. a huge ulcer even. another head, or a zombie growing hanging from his neck eeeeeh nasty stuff a few months ago last year. I was eating a pizza my favourite bbq chicken i had purchased. as i began to bite into my pizza there was a billboard showing the exact add shown in your blog you know the zombie guy anyway, upon seeing this i could not continue to devour my pbbq chicken pizza as i would of liked to. the add put me right off my pizza. i was not a happy bunny at all. i just paid 2.99 for it and the shop i brought it from dont except refunds.

I think advertisments like these are cruel, disgusting and humiliating to those involved and to those this may of happened to.

why would the victim agree to have there faces shown in these adds for? are they some kind of sick fame seekers/ do they stand in the mirror looking at there zombies singing when will i be famous by bros?

These advertising people should be ashamed of themselves for putting law abiding citizens like myself through such horrorfying images when i just popped out to buy some milk i thank you.

here is a link to stefans blog

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