Wednesday 31 March 2010

Response perfect perpetual passions

This is my response to perfect perpetual passions post about lies trickery deciet betrayal... i agree that there are more woman out in the world than men, and when a man cheats on someone who he loves it can be terrorable in deed but what about when the woman cheats? the feeling a man from a woman cheating on you is enough to turn any man in to a ceareal killer and i aint talking kellogs!!

To cheat on a pregnant woman whilst she is carrying your baby is wrong. that should be outlawed. I would not wish that n any woman.

The man who you spoke to during the break could quite possibly be related to king soloman. who knows.... but he does sound like a wise man never the less. and im sure he had good reason for saying what he said. hotep sister.

the link below will take you to perfect perpetual passions blog

Captain no more....

John terry the ex england captain slept with his friends girlfriend, whilst they were not together. ok that may sound ok to a woman or to a man with no morals to to a man like me who has morals thats a 'arh hell no'.

Theres somethings you just dont sniffing another guys pants or taking sweets from a child or laughing at old people who fall over. Ok the last ones fine.. but sleeping with a girl who your mate has allready slept with you just dont do it. Its a golden rule amongst men.

Never sleep with a woman who has dated any of your friends fullstop. There is no compromise. John Terry was wrong for what he did sleeping with his best friends mate when she has a child by his team mate... not just any mate but his team mate what the bleep!!

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Is it really adultery? really oh my gosh.

10 months ago a friend of mine began a relationship with a woman from out of town. He was already in a relationship. The sex he was having with the other woman was so good that the lady in question said to him that I don’t mind if you sleep with other woman because every time you touch me I go crazy with excitement. You’re too much of a good lover to be tied down to one woman.
I was gob smacked when he told me and asked does she have a sister?

I took a psychology test on this and found the results interesting. I have left a link below to the test for you to try it for yourself.

This got me thinking if your partner allows says she does not mind if you sleep with other woman is it Adultery? for more on this please follow the link below.

Monday 29 March 2010

Woman in Islam.

Having an affair can be seen as selfish, but what if your partner did not mind if you were sleeping with other woman?

In such religions as Islam, if the man wants to sleep with another woman out side of the marriage he is allready in, first he must ask the permission of his present wife. If she says no then its fine, he will carry on as normal with his present wife, but if she says yes to him sleeping with another woman then he can have a wife and a misstress. for more on this please follow the link below. islam appears to be the only religion that puts man and woman on a equal par with eachother, compared to other religions where the male would cheat on his partner without telling his spouse.

Due to the openess and honesty in Islam there seems to be no need for either the man nor the woman to commit adultery.

Saturday 27 March 2010

The drug is the threat.

'i'll chop you up and put you in the back of the trunk like drug money' no not me. this is popular quote from the intro of a jay-z song. not so popular but its what came to mind when i started to write this. Drugs and crime go hand in hand. its safe to say that most people who sell drugs are fully aware of the fact they are criminals. you know the old cliché in the movies, the father sells drugs but he dont want his children to sell the dope. His wife is showered with diamonds and pearls, dont work but still finds enough time to hangout with her girlfriends and talk hair. every ganster film i can think of ties directly into this category. Goodfellas,Casino,American Ganster....the list go's on.

on the other hand their are those that dont sell drugs to make a profit but abuse them to get high. all the drug dealer is going to do is supply the dope,the drug addict is going to demand.

The drug user proberly dont go to university, they proberly dont have a nice shiney car, they most likely need help. Does the drug dealer care? no all they want is there cash to feed the addiction to there life styles.

whats my point? the drug dealer is addicted to the cash the lifestyle the money, the cars. the Woman. the drug addict is addicted to the drugs.It has a grip on them. the Drug is the threat. for more on how gansters become rich and powerful follow the link below.

Friday 26 March 2010


Body art? what is it?. i myself have a tattoo on my right hand. so i can fully understand why somebody would want a permanent piece of art on there body. Theirs some people who smoke and say they dont mind other smokers obviously because they smoke themselves so why would they mind others.. then on the other hand theres people who dont smoke, have tattoos but dont understand why people inhale smoke into there bodies. you cant please everybody. body art has been around Even as early as the Neolithic period (Stone Age), tattoos were found in Eurasia.Tattoos were used during the Holocaust to identify the Jews that were in the concentration camps, but they were used for other identification needs as tattoos in one sense are a good thing and in another form a bad thing. for more on this please follow the link below.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

nasty comedians.

Some say Chris rock is distasteful he’s a nasty piece of work. His material should be banned I don’t find this to be true at all. I think he is honest. Sincere in his approach, and most of all very very funny in deed. I have been watching him since I him since he first appeared in new jack city which was many moons ago.was a little boy and he has not left a bad taste in my mouth at all. In fact I have been watching him ever since he appered in new jack city. for more on this please follow the link below

Tuesday 23 March 2010

bonnie and clyde

Bonnie and clyde these folks used to take pictures of themselves which the newspapers at the time published. they bonnie and clyde were outlaws.robbers and criminals. there expolits captured the attention of the american public during the 1931, 1934 period. in the same vein they vein of John Dillenger they were celebritys in there communitys.they killed at least nine police officers and commited several civilain murders. there two year spree on the run from the cops was played hyped up by the media at the time more than anything. for more on the two follow the link below...

Saturday 20 March 2010

Gangter gangster

Gangster gangster that’s what they yelling. John Dillinger appears to be a pretty cool guy. That’s the impression I got from Michael Mann’s film public enemies. Guns power money respect = ladies look after the poor they respect you. Hide you from the cops watch your back. You scratch there backs they scratch yours simple. It’s like he was the poor mans light. They struck the man the government through him JD. he was seen by many as a robin hood character.


Friday 19 March 2010

rebel without a pause

Jessy James appears to be a gentleman but would shoot you quicker than david blane saying shazame. what a guy. he would rob steal and cheat and its not like he had too either.he became an outlaw from the product of a poor society. he was a very political man who came from a Sophisticated society.

he became a outlaw from the product of civil war. these issues shaped the views of jessy james. The civil war was fought between 1861 to 1865. Jessy James family were  slave owners. They had strong views towards what was happening to those enslaved in the south. his family was highley articulate. Jessy James was not your average gun slinging cow boy. he was more of a rebel so he rebelled. for more on this please follow the link below. you could say that he was a rebel without a pause.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Robin Hood

Social bandits flourished in feudal times. During these times the poor were the property of the rich, meaning the poor had no rights and if you had no money then they had no say in anything at all. Social bandits became champions of the weak. One such man was Robin Hood. He set about robbing from the rich to give to the poor. to find out more on this follow this link to the robin hood society

Wednesday 17 March 2010

outlaws really?

Why are bandits portrayed as outlaws? I think they are portrayed as outlaws by the people who write there stories. The people who tried to lock these bandits away those, are the ones who write there stories not those who the bandits tried to defend. In most cases the people trying to protect the bandits never had access to writing equipment such as paper, a pen nor were they educated enough to know how to write. A person who dislikes another will never have anything good to say about the other. but why do we assume that all outlaws are male? when we think of bandits we assume that they were all female but were they? follow this link below to find out about a famous female bandit

Monday 15 March 2010

lying what it leads to.

liar liar pants on fire. you tell a lie.... then you tell another..... then you tell another to cover up the one you just said.... before you know it you become a compulsive liar.. and start telling lie after lie after lie before you find yourself auditioning for liar lair the movie part 2. my point you ask? telling one lie only leads to more lies so if you dont want to be seen as a liar then dont lie. nonononono baby no no no no dont lie lie. for more on this song lie by black eyed peas follow the link below.

Sunday 14 March 2010

you hurt me with your lies

Do you really want to hurt me? do you really want to make me cry? no this aint me doing a impression of boy george its me asking do you really want to hurt me by lying so much? as a boy my mummy would say danny, my replie yes mom dont like. allways tell the truth. When i was young she told me how it was. father christmas dont exist. there aint no tooth fairy and theres no monsters under your bed. although i was glad she told me the truth i never believed her about the monsters part. if she lied and told me all of these fictional people existed i would still be putting out minch pies and milk for this fat dude to drop down my chimmly. erwwwwwwwwwww. for more on this please follow the link below.

Saturday 13 March 2010

masturbation 2

masterbation, wanking jerking off, choking the chicken the list go's on and and on and on. apparently some guys do it together. some guys do it alone.some guys get their partners to do it for them. some guys do it to clear their pipes..for whatever reason they may do it for that still doesnt hide the fact people still do it whether it be for fun or simply for pleasure. acording to healthy strokes all males masturbate before their 15 birthday. what a heavy assumption to make. eight times a week is the amount of times the average male will masturbate. where do they get there facts from? do they have researchers spying on people at night? i'll let your minds wonder. but for more of these interesting facts follow this link below

Monday 8 March 2010


according to a journal posted on the independent news website masturbation can be good for the over 50's. Men who are in their 20's could be effected by constantly masturbating at such a young age. men in their 20's can suffer from prostate cancer if they choose to continue masturbating.a study was conducted and more than 400 men with prostate cancer were diagnosed before the age of 60 were questioned about their sexual habits.

The findings showed that those men who masturbated in their early teens way into the double figures were more likley to have cancer.

to find out more on these findings please follow the link below

Friday 5 March 2010

bad attitude

bad attitude watch your mouth. take your elbows off the table! oh my gosh your mouth is so fowl it needs washing out with soap. ive heard it all before shut your mouth. these kids no a days gosh aint they cheeky? i was never a bad kid i would listen to my mother otherwise i felt it.. believe me.But is the way we are disciplined as a child, does it effect us in later life? as we progress in to adult life and some of us even having children of our own. or did i just suffer from what this website describes as bad attitude syndrome? click on the link below to find out more

Thursday 4 March 2010


masterbation drug infestation! kids playing with playstations, under age drinking, under age sex! no this aint a episode of eastenders this is real life on the streets that you walk your dog, on the streets where our children play football. recently we watched a movie in the chubb building called kids. These er kids were not actually kids but teenagers getting up to all kinds of crazy.......stuff from drug taking to rape, fighting you name it.

Their was not much adults present in the movie either. i mean the film is called kids not kids with grown ups. what shocked me about the movie was its realism its grittyness below is a link to the trailer kids.

Monday 1 March 2010

london london day trip

london, london, london town!!!! i think we should go to london because its the capital of the uk. not only that but theres a hundred and one things to do like.....visit the queen, see big ben, walk across london bridge, london museum,art gallerys you name it londons got it. who's with me? follow this link below for more things to do in london